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About the Office

The Executive Vice President (EVP) is the Harvard University’s Chief Administrative, Business and Operating Officer and oversees all aspects of the University’s financial, administrative, human resources, campus services, planning and project management, development in Allston, health services, information technology and diversity functions.

Harvard’s Central Administration supports the overall excellence of Harvard University by understanding and serving the needs of the Corporation, schools, students, faculty, staff, alumni and communities. We coordinate and optimize University-wide planning and risk mitigation with a focus towards long-term impact. Through dynamic and collaborative partnerships, we provide high-quality and efficient services to the schools.

About Katie Lapp

The Executive Vice President (EVP) is the Harvard University’s Chief Administrative, Business and Operating Officer and oversees all aspects of the University’s financial, administrative, human resources, campus services, planning and project management, development in Allston, health services, information technology and diversity functions. The EVP works closely with Harvard’s senior leadership team to ensure that Harvard’s financial, capital, and operational resources are optimally deployed in support of Harvard’s mission.

The EVP plays a critical role in:

  • Enhancing the responsiveness of central administration to the needs of Harvard’s faculties, Schools, and other units;
  • Improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and coordination of existing financial and administrative functions and practices across the University, both within central administration and within Schools;
  • Leading the development and improvement of financial and administrative capacity in new areas that cross School boundaries or traditional administrative units;
  • Achieving a more integrated approach to the challenges presented by new ventures in science, Allston, and other areas that will call for more collaboration across traditional boundaries.

Prior to this appointment, Ms. Lapp served as Executive Vice President for Business Operations for the University of California; as Executive Director and CEO for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority; and as a distinguished attorney serving as New York State Director of Criminal Justice and Commissioner of the Criminal Justice Services Department and previously as New York City’s Criminal Justice Director. She received her B.A. in history from Fairfield University and her Law Degree from Hofstra University.

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Download the Harvard University Central Administration Organizational Chart.